Virtual Emotions
Super Weird Studios focuses on making collaborative mixed-media design. Working to create meaningful experiences to engage in advocacy and concepts in identity, gender, and emotion. The term "Virtual Emotions" comes from the belief in making identity out of what has been limited in reality and making a true vessel for self through the combination of digital and physical mediums. Self is based on truth not fact and through digital concepts a new reality is set and creates a new vessel. SWS explores the grey area in identity through the contradictory nature of self being based in the virtual world.
Material Experiences
While Super Weird Studios primarily focuses on the virtual side of design, the "Material Experiences" of graphic arts are an important part of this studio's life and they bring new life to the flourishing world of graphic design. At SWS, we work to collaborate with artists, communities, and individuals who align with opportunities to provide real-world experiences that directly impact our day to day. Visual learning is a crucial part of what we believe in at our studio and making projects that educate and advocate for others is where we work best here at SWS.